H. Dudley Wright Foundation
The Wright Colloquia for science, held biennially at the University of Geneva since 1984, were founded by Dr. H. Dudley Wright with the aim of presenting the latest scientific findings to the general public and inspiring young people towards a scientific career.
Dr Wright, an American scientist, businessman and inventor, was also a prominent personality in the Geneva’s community from 1965 until his death in January 1992. The Wright Colloquia for science were and remain a concrete way of his saying “thank you” to the people of Geneva for their warm hospitality. Fascinated by scientific discoveries himself, he hoped to further the understanding of science and to promote informed public opinion. Speakers at the forefront of research are invited to present complex topics to an audience interested in science, but not necessarily with a scientific background. Wright Colloquia for science are organized in collaboration with the University of Geneva and are offered to the community by the H. Dudley Wright Foundation.
President of the Foundation Board
Prof. Thierry Courvoisier
Members of the Foundation Board
- Mourtaza Asad-Syed
- Mason de Chochor
- Marco Föllmi
- Emmanuelle Giacometti
- Blaise Goetschin
- John Tracey
Prof. Camille Bonvin
University of Geneva, Faculty of Science
Dre Ana Godinho
Head of Communication, CERN
Prof. Ivan Rodriguez
University of Geneva, Faculty of Science
Prof. Jean-Pierre Wolf
University of Geneva, Faculty of Science
Brigitte Perrin
Head of Strategic Communications
World Meteorological Organization
Marija Wright
Scientific Director of the Conference:
Prof Camille Bonvin, Prof. Thierry Courvoisier
University of Geneva, Faculty of Science
Mme Sarah Sermondada
Scientific journalist
Mme Ascension Lozano
H. Dudley Wright Foundation
Mme Dorothée Dumoulin
Dre Fanen Sisbane
Université de Genève